Help Center



Versandkostenschtzung, Paketverfolgung, Versandbeschrnkung.


Bestelldetails, Schnellansicht, Lieferstatus.

Dringende Lieferung

Wenn die Bestellung nicht innerhalb von drei Tagen nach Zahlung versandt wurde, klicken Sie bitte hier, um den Versand zu fordern.


Nicht geliefert, Artikel verloren oder beschdigt, Unterstützung bei Logistikanfragen.

Saldo Details

überprüfen Sie Kontostand, Zahlungsverlauf, Rückerstattungsdetails, Aufladen des Guthabens.

Hufig gestellte Fragen

Verify & Purchase time:
Beijing time 09:00-18:00 submitted order, we will deal with it within 6 hours to complete;
Beijing time 19:00-08:00 submitted order, we will be processed before 2 PM the next day;

Note: except for cannot contact the seller or abnormal orders
The sellers’ delivery time: Generally Chinese domestic Taobao sellers will send out the delivery within 3~7 days (except for part of the customized products pre-order items)
Jingdong, Amazon self-running logistics will deliver items on the same day of purchasing (not self-running, franchised merchants send out delivery within 3-5 days
The actual duration depends on the seller
The Chinese domestic delivery time to JoyaBuy’s warehouse:(JoyaBuy’s warehouse is located in Foshan, Guangdong)
For sellers located in Guangdong province- normally your order will arrive at our warehouse within 1-2 days. Other provinces around 3-5 days.

1. The order status is “Order pending”: You can visit user center → “Order” to cancel your orders. Your payment will be immediately refunded to your JoyaBuy balance.
2. The order status is “Order processing”: You can visit user center → “Order” to cancel your orders. If we haven’t purchased the items, we will cancel the order and refund to your JoyaBuy balance within one working day.
3. The order status is “Purchased”: You can visit user center → “Order” to click “aftersales” on the corresponding order. We will then request for refunds from the seller. If the seller has not yet delivered the items, the corresponding money will be refunded to your JoyaBuy account balance upon seller confirmation, which normally takes 3 days.
4. The order status is “Seller Sent”: If the seller uses fake tracking number and does not send out the items; you can visit user center → “Order” to click “aftersales” on the corresponding order. We will then request for refunds from the seller. The corresponding money will be refunded to your JoyaBuy account balance upon seller confirmation, which normally takes 7 days.
5. 5 days after the order status turns ” Stored In Warehouse “: You can visit user center → “Order” to click “aftersales” on the corresponding order. We will then request for return with the seller but we cannot guarantee for approval. With the seller’s approval, we will process the return as soon as possible. The returned parcel tracking number will be displayed in the corresponding order. After the seller receives the items and refunds us, the system will automatically return money to your JoyaBuy account balance. Generally speaking, this process takes 7-15 days and it depends on the time the seller spent in confirming the refund.

Wenn Sie Fragen oder Beschwerden haben, wenden Sie sich bitte jederzeit an unser 7×(9:00-18:00)(UTC+8) Online-Kundendienstteam. Darüber hinaus knnen Sie sich gerne an unseren Kundenbetreuer wenden, indem Sie ihm eine E-Mail senden ( [email protected] Unsere Vision ist es, unseren Kunden den besten Service zu bieten und sie zufrieden zu stellen, damit wir nicht zulassen, dass unbefriedigte Flle eintreten. Wenn ja, werden wir auf jeden Fall auf unsere Kunden hren und die relevanten Probleme mit Sicherheit lsen.

Natürlich knnen Sie, sagen Sie uns einfach, was Sie wollen. Unser Expertenservice-Team wird Ihnen helfen, serise Verkufer, qualitativ hochwertige hnliche Artikel mit niedrigerem Preis usw. zu finden.

Keine Sorge, solange Ihre Artikel legal sind, werden wir unser Bestes geben, um Ihnen den besten Rat zu geben, den wir knnen. Einige spezielle Artikel knnen aufgrund der Lnderpolitik unterschiedliche Einschrnkungen haben. Bitte kontaktieren Sie unseren Kundenservice für weitere Hilfe.

Wie bereits erwhnt, bietet JoyaBuy unseren Kunden nicht nur Einkaufsagentendienste, sondern auch einen starken und effizienten After-Sales-Service, einschlielich Qualitts- und Lieferfragen. Wir sind nicht wie andere Plattformen, die die Verantwortung auf Verkufer oder Logistikunternehmen übertragen, denn JoyaBuy ist der zuverlssige Freund unserer Kunden. Unser einzigartiges 7×(9:00-18:00)(UTC+8) Kundendienstteam, das professionell und zweisprachig ist, wird jede Ihrer Anfragen verfolgen, bis Ihre Fragen gelst wurden, weil der Kunde zuerst unser Ziel ist.

Shopping Agent Service is our cord service. We purchase items from China to our customers based on customers’ wants and instructions. In addition, we provide services for the whole process from recommendation in purchasing, quality inspection, storage, delivery and after sales services to ensure our customers receive satisfied items. The better shopping experience will be gained by using our Shopping Agent service.
Through JoyaBuy’s website, you can get what you want by making payments with local currency. The processes is shown as below:

1. Login to our website to search the items you would like us to purchase for you by providing items details. In this step, we will provide some related information, such as delivery or purchase tips/recommendations, or even to assist you to find the better options.
2. Once the items have arrived to our warehouse, we will inspect the items quality for you and store them in our warehouse. You have up to 3 months free storage to store your items.
3. You could pick a suitable time for delivery and remind us to deliver your items to you. If you do not need those items immediately, we recommend you to stock more items and deliver them into one shipment in order to save delivery fee.
4. No matter whether the items are on its way or arrived to your place, our customer service will take responsibilities to assist you regarding to any after-sales issues.

0 service fee is our service philosophy. Customers just need to pay the items costs and delivery fee, no other additional service fee is added. However, it does not mean our service quality would be compromised. In contrast, our goal is to provide the best customer service in this field. Therefore, we welcome our customers to compare us with other service providers in the market in terms of service quality and charges